
Upcoming Events
Events Archive
- 6th Annual Conference of SAAE-India (SAAE-I AC-6) Information Brochure
- 5th Annual Conference of SAAE-India (SAAE-I AC-5) on “Alternatives to Animal Experiments in Translational Research” on 8th and 9th December 2022. (Click to register)
- Post Conference Workshop of 5th Annual Conference of SAAE-India (SAAE-I AC-5) on theme “Post Conference Workshop”
- International Symposium & Workshop on Recent trends in Alternatives to Animal Experiments: New Approach Methods (NAMs) to human toxicity testing & drug discovery
- National Workshop to study Tissue Regeneration using Zebrafish and Echinoderms as Alternative Animal Models
Resource person: Dr. M.Mohammed Idris, CCMB, Hyderabad
Date: 24.11.2019 to 29.11.2019 Venue: University of Kerala, Trivandrum2nd International Training Workshop -In vitro toxicology: concept and practice with an emphasis on hepatotoxicity, and multiple organ toxicity with IdMOC
Resource persons: Dr. ALBERT P. LI, In vitro ADMET Laboratories LLC, Columbia, MD and Malden, MA, USA.
Prof. Dr. M. A. AKBARSHA , Research Co-ordinator, National College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli
Date: 09.12.2019 to 12.12.2019 Venue: University of Kerala, TrivandrumAdverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) Workshop
Resource persons: Dr. Surat Parvatham, Centre for Predictive Human Model System, AIC CCMB, HSI India.
Dr.Bary Hardy, CEO, Edelweiss Connect
Date: 12.12.2019 Venue: National Facility for Biopharmaceuticals,GN Khalsa College, Mathunga (E), Mumbai-19.National Conference on Alternatives to Animal Experiments (NCAAE-2019)
Date: 13.12. 2019 & 14.12.2019 Venue: National Facility for Biopharmaceuticals (NFB), GN Khasla College, Mumbai-400019Post Conference Workshop
Handling of Reconstructed Human 3d-Tissue Model
Resource persons: Dr. Christian Pellevoisin, Episkin, France
Date: 15.12.2019 & 16.12.2019 Venue: National Facility for Biopharmaceuticals, GN Khalsa College, Mathunga (E), Mumbai-19.
Date: 17.12.2019 Venue: Jamia Hamdrad University, New DelhiWebinar