Life Members
Life Members
001 | Dr. Syed Ziaur Rahman | Professor, Dept of Pharmacology, JN Medical College & Hospital, AMU, Aligarh. | rahmansz@yahoo.com | +918266001772 |
002 | Prof. S. Raisuddin | Professor of Toxicology & Elementology, Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi | sraisuddin@jamiahamd ard.ac.in | +919810370351 |
003 | Dr. Pratiksha Palaha | Head, Commercial and R&D, National Facility for Biopharmaceuticals, Dept. Of Science and Technology, Govt. Of India, G.N. Khalsa College, Mumbai. | pratiksha@nfbindia.in | +919833318006 |
004 | Dr. G. Archunan | UGC-BSR-Faculty Fellow, Department of Animal Science, Bharathidasan University, Trichy. | garchu56@yahoo.co.in | +91 9443922228 |
005 | Dr. K. Thamaraiselvi | Professor, Department of Environmental Biotechnology, Bharathidasan University, Trichy. | kthamaraiselvi@bdu.ac.in | +91 9789458400 |
006 | Dr. D. Dhanasekaran | Professor, Department of Microbiology, Bharathidasan University, Trichy. | dhansdd@gmail.com
| +919486258493 |
007 | Dr. Vijay Pal Singh | Principal Technical Officer CSIR-IGIB, Assoc Prof, Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, New Delhi. | vpsinghigib@gmail.com | +919212380919 |
008 | Dr. Irfan Y. Tamboli | Senior Scientific Manager, Innoplexus Consulting Services Private Limited, Pune. | iytamboli@gmail.com | +9199238183 05
009 | Dr. Mohammed Idris | Principal Scientist, CSIR-CCMB, Hyderabad, Telangana. | idris_62@yahoo.com | +919959054881 |
010 | Dr. Parveen Bansal | Joint Director, Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Punjab. | bansal66@yahoo.com | +917888515894 |
011 | Dr. P.V. Mohanan | Scientist -G, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Tiruvananthapuram- 695 012 | Mohanan10@gmail.com |
012 | Dr. Renjith P. Nair | Scientist- C, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Science & Technology, Trivandrum- 695012 |
renjithpnair82@gmail.com |
+919037476796 |
013 | Dr. Sabeeha Shafi | Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, Kashmir – 190006. |
sabeehashafi@gmail.com |
+919419448489 |
014 | Dr. Chandragouda R. Patil | Professor, RC Patel Institute of Pharma Education and Research, Shirupur, Maharashtra- 425 405. | pchandragouda@yahoo.com |
+919823400240 |
015 | Dr. S. Achiraman | Professor, Department of Env Biotech, Bharathidasan University, Trichy | achiramans@gmail.com | +919894835753 |
016 | Dr. M.A. Akbarsha | Research Co-ordinator, National College, Tiruchirappalli- 620 001. | akbarbdu@gmail.com | +919790995854 |
017 | Dr. Aamir Nazir | Principal Scientist, CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh- 226 031. | anazir@cdri.res.in | +919198472865 |
018 | Dr. Rohith Seth | Department of Zoology, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Koni, Bilaspur- 495 009. | rohitseth123@gmail.com | +919630587045 |
019 | Dr. R. Thirumurugan | Professor, Department of Animal Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli- 620 024. | ramthiru72@gmail.com | +919443094199 |
020 | Dr. B. Manivannan | Chief, Brand Promotion; Vice-President- Plant Operations, Genaxy Scientific PVT Ltd, New Delhi. | bmvn@rediffmail.com | +917032000706
021 | Dr. Suhel Parvez | Professor, Department of Toxicology, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi | sparvez@jamiahamdard.ac.in | +919811992124 |
022 | Dr. Shipra Goyal | Assistant Professor, Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur. | shipragoyal@gmail.com | +919829162184 |
023 | Dr. L. Divya | Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Calicut University, Calicut, Kerala- 671 316. | divyacuk@gmail.com | +918281332474 |
024 | Dr. Jayasujatha Vethamanickam | Safety Scientist, Unilever, UK. | Jayasujatha.Vethamanickam@unilever.com | +919900927086 |
025 | Dr. Suresh Poosala | CEO & Founder, OncoSeek Bio Pvt Ltd, Visakapatnam/Hyderabad. | suresh_aaalac@yahoo.com | +919100851758 |
026 | Dr. B. Kadalmani | Associate Professor, Department of Animal Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli- 620 024. | kadalmanibdu@rediffmail.com
| +918870532185
027 | Dr. P. Sreejith | Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Trivandrum | p.sreejith@gmail.com | +919496793794 |
| Dr. A. Rajini | Scientist, International Institute of Biotechnology and Toxicology (IIBAT), Chennai. | rajitox@gmail.com | +919841147911
029 | Dr. V. B. Sameer Kumar | Professor, Department of Genomic Science, Central University of Kerala., Kazargod, Kerala. | sameerkumarvb@gmail.com | +919447697893 |
030 | Dr. G. Mathan | Professor, Department of Biomedical Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli- 620 024. | mathan@bdu.ac.in
| +919940823271 |
031 | Dr. Subrahmanyam Vangala | CEO, Reagene Biosciences Private Ltd, Bangalore. | subrahmv@gmail.com | +919008971002 |
032 | Dr. Shika Sharma | Post – Doctoral Asoociate, Dept of Environmental Medicine & Toxicology, University of of Rochester, New York, USA. | ssharma@newhaven.edu
| +1-812-891-1086 |
033 | Prof. Krishnan Kumar Sharma | Former Vice Chancellor, Founder HOD Zoology, Rtd from MDS University Ajmer, Rajasthan. | kksmds@gmail.com | +919414280984
034 | Dr. Neha Sharma | Associate Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology, Sri Krishna University, Madhya Pradesh. | sharma.n29@gmail.com
035 | Dr. A.B. Pant | Senior Principal Scientist & Group Head, System Toxicology & Health Risk Assessment Group, & Professor, Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR), CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India- 226 001. | abpant@iitr.res.in | +919935044044 |
036 | Dr. Rakesh Singh | Assoc Prof & Head, Dept of Pharmacology & Toxicology, NIPER, Rea-Bareli, UP. | rakesh.singh@niperraebareli.edu.in | +91981092855 |
037 | Dr. Naresh Kasoju | Scientist, Biomedical Technology Wing, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Science & Technology, Poojapura Campus, Thiruvananthapuram 695012, Kerala. |
naresh.kasoju@sctimst.ac.in |
+917981760739 |
038 | Dr. Adip Roy | Associate Vice-president, Amway India Enterprises Private Limited, Gurgoan | Adip.Roy@amway.com | +919901063238 |
039 | Dr. Y. K. Gupta | Former Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, AIIMS, New Delhi. | ykykgupta@gmail.com | +919868868457 |
040 | Prof. P.V.S. Kishore | Professor & Head, Sri Venkateshwara Verterianary Unviersirt, Andhra Pradesh. |
pvskishore_1963@yahoo.com |
+91 9949607030 |
041 | Dr. Arti Singh | Associate Professor, ISF College of Pharmacy, Moga, Punjab. | artiniper@gmail.com | +919354671494 |
042 | Dr. Mamata Mishra | Senior Research Scientist, Jai Research Foundation, Valvada, Gujarat. | mmnbrc@gmail.com | +918291213057 |
043 | Dr. P.R. Anil Kumar | Scientist G, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala | anilkumarpr@gmail.com | +9194473 40754 |
044 | Dr. Saba Nagvi | Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, NIPER, Raebareli. | saba.naqvi@niperraebareli.edu.in | +918630712960 |
045 | Dr. Ramesh K. Goyal | Vice-Chancellor, Delhi Pharmaceutical Science and Research University, New Delhi. | goyalrk@gmail.com |
+919825719111 |
046 | Dr. Sachin Kumar | Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Delhi Pharmaceutical Science and Research University, New Delhi. | sachinkr@dpsru.edu.in |
+919911214573 |
047 | Dr. Anoop Kumar | Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Delhi Pharmaceutical Science and Research University, New Delhi. | anoopniper@gmail.com
| +918587022854
048 | Dr. V. Vijayabalaji | Group leader -Toxicology Aurigene Pharmaceutical Service Limited, Hydrabad, India. | vijayabalaji.V@syngeneintl.com | +917337565665 |
049 | Dr, Shilpy Sharma | Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Savitribai Phule, Pune University, Maharashtra. | shilpy.sharma@gmail.com | +918378979665 |
050 | Dr, Prajakta Dandekar Jain | UGC Assistant, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai. | pd.jain@ictmumbai.edu.in | +919324031089 |
051 | Dr. J. Ponmozhi | Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. | jponmozhi@gmail.com | +91 9630051972 |
052 | Dr. Shanmugam Dhinakaran | Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Indore, Madhya Pradesh. | sdhina@iiti.ac.in | +918085679996 |
053 | Dr. Venu Govindappa | Professor & Head, Department of Bioscience, Chandigarh University, Punjab. | venugcaecilian@gmail.com | +919902084470 |
054 | Dr. Yasir Hasan Siddique | Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, U. P | yasir_hasansiddique@rediffmail.com | +919410060564 |
055 | Dr. P. Anwar Azad | Re-Entry Fellow, Aravind Medical Research Foundation, Madurai, Tamil Nadu. | bioanwar@gmail.com | +919847566291 |
056 | Mr. Shivanshu Kumar Tiwari | Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Trivandrum, Kerela | ishivanshu@gmail.com | +919031874420 |
057 | Dr. Karthikeyan Vasudevan | Chief Scientist, CSIR- Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad | karthik@ccmb.res.in | +919491036403 |
058 | Dr. Sumit Murab | Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mandi. | sumitmurab@iitmandi.ac.in | +917303660016 |
059 | Mr. Damodar Nayak A | Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Gnanagangothri Campus, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences. Bengaluru | damodar.pg.ph@msruas.ac.in | +917760634780 |
060 | Dr. Abhay Deshpande | Director-Global Innovation and Strategy, JRF Global, Valvada, Gujarat. | abhay.deshpande@jrfglobal.com | +919099117000 |
061 | Dr. Aditya Vikram Singh | JNMC, AMU, Aligarh | aditya459410@gmail.com | +919456432279 +919412746035 |
062 | Dr. Gopinath Packirisamy | Professor, Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Roorkee, Uttarkand. | gopi@bt.iitr.ac.in | +919760907526 |
063 | Dr. Shahzad Ahmad | Assistant Professor, Dept Med Elementology & Toxicology, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi | satox@jamiahamdard.ac.in | +919015297491 |
064 | Dr. Abdul Kalam Najmi | Professor, Dept Pharmacol, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi | aknajmi@jamiahamdard.ac.in | +919891220056 |
065 | Dr. Ankita Pandey | Science Policy Advisor, PeTA-India, New Delhi | ankitaakasomu@gmail.com | +917054650644 |
066 | Dr. Kasturi Mahadik | Chief Manager, CPHMS, AIC-CCMB | kasturi.mahadik@ccmb.res.in | +9199707 26669 |
067 | Dr. Arunkumar Palaniappan | Assistant Professor, Center for Biomaterials, Cellular, & Mol Theronastics, VIT, Vellore | arunkumar.p@vit.ac.in | +919442231918 |
068 | Dr. Anand, M. | Assoc Prof, Dept of Marine & Coastal Studies, School of Energy, Environment & Natural Resources, MKU, Madurai | anandm21@yahoo.com | +919444120690 |
069 | Dr. D. Hemalatha | Asst Prof, Zoology Dept., PSG College, Coimbatore | hemalatha.d@psgcas.ac.in | +919047655010 |
070 | Dr. R.R. Devi | Asst Prof, Dep Zool., NSS College, Nilamel, Kollam, Kerala [Velathil, Venjaramoodu, PO., Trivandrum, Kerala]. | devirjayan@gmail.com | +919495810608 |
071 | Dr. C. Kanagaraj | Asst Prof, Rathinam College of Arts & Science, Echaneri, Coimbatore | Kanagaraj1983@gmail.com | +919952828687 |
072 | Dr. B. Kiran Kumar | Sr Scientist, CSIR-CCMB, Hyderabad. | bokarakiran@ccmb.res.in | +919177874028 |
073 | Dr. Vir Vikram Sharma | Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, CT University, Ludhiana. | virvikram76@gmail.com | +919878903414 |
074 | Ms. Pavithra V | Research Scholar. Mahatma Gandhi Medical Advanced Research Institute, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry. | pavithrabiotechnologist@gmail.com | +919787328452 |
075 | Dr. Anjaneyulu Mamindla | Project Scientist, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur- 208 016 (U.P) | anjiprlk@gmail.com | +919676010100 |
076 | Mr. Suresh Kumar Saravanan | Research Associate, Mahatma Gandi Medical Advanced Research Institute, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Puducherry- 607 402. |
| +918870538455
077 | Dr. Veni Subramanyam | MGM Advanced Research Institute (MGMAR), Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pillaiyarkuppam, Puducherry- 607 402. | venis@mgmari.sbvu.ac.in | +919840414197 |
078 | Dr. Ravi Ram Kristipati | Senior Principal Scientist, CSIR – Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow | krisravil974@gmail.com | +919307449236 |
079 | Dr.Aruna Satish | Principal Scientist, CSIR – Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow | aruna@iitr.res.in | +919389429867 |
080 | Dr. Rizwanul Haque | Professor, Dept.of Biotechnology, Central University South Bihar (CUSB), Gaya, Bihar | rhaque@cub.ac.in | +918581800619 |
081 | Dr.Haroon Habib Beigh | Associate Professor, Ala- too International University,Bishkek, Krygz. | haroonhabib2@gmail.com | +918800134205 |
082 | Dr.Ashish Kumar | Veterinary Officer, All Indian Institute of Medical Sciences, Uttarakhand. | ashishvet77@gmail.com | +91 7838876105 |
083 | Ms.Yogini Pradip Soman | Head, Invitro Toxicity and Mutagenesis, Intox Pvt.Ltd. Pune. | yoginipsoman@gmail.com | +91 8698012857 |
084 | Ms. Jyoti Mane | Deputy Head, Intox Pvt.Ltd.Pune. | jmane2222@gmail.com | +91 9657563999 |
085 | Dr. Madhav Nilakanth Mugale | Principal Scientist, Department of Toxicology and Experimental Medicine, CSIR -CDRI, Lucknow | madhav.mugale@cdri.res.in | +91 5222772450 |
086 | Dr. Mehjbeen Javed | Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Medical Elementology & Toxicology, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi | +918650390869 |
Organizational Member | ||||
OM 01
| PeTA-India, Nominee: Dr. Ankita Pandey |
Science Policy Advisor at PETA India |
ankitap@petaindia.org |
+918800897382 |
Industry Member | ||||
IM 01 | Jai Research Foundation (JRF) Nominee: Dr. Rahul Date |
Jai Research Foundation (JRF), Valvada, Gujarat |
rahul.date@jrfonline.com |
+919567334074 |
Honorary Members | ||||
HM 01 | Dr. M. Michael Aruldhas
| Professor (Retd), Dept Endocrinology, Dr ALM PGIBMS, University of Madras-Taramani Campus, Chennai 600113. | aruldhasmm@gmail.com | +919444134284 |
HM 02 | Dr. M.C. Sathyanarayana
| Associate Professor (Rtd.), A.V.C. College, Mayiladuthurai, TN | mcsathya@yahoo.com | +919442225759 |
HM 03 | Dr. Vinod Kumar Gupta | Assistant Professor (Rtd.,), Bilaspur, Chattisgargh | vkgcmd@gmail.com | +919897903016 |
HM 04 | Dr. Oommen V Oommen | Professor of Zoology (Retd), University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram | oommenvo@gmail.com | +919447728940 |
Adjunct Members, International Advisors | ||||
AM 01 | Dr. Christian Pellevoisin | Scientific Director, MatTek Life Sciences, France. | cPellevoisin@mattek.com | +33 (0)777 382 633 |
AM 02 | Dr. Thomas Hartung | Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT), Johns Hopkins University, USA. | thartung@jhsph.edu |
AM 03 | Dr. Hajime Kojima | Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments (JSAAE), Japan. | h-kojima@nihs.go.jp |